Author: mevart.melody

We had the honor of hosting Loe Lavernick & his wife Joe for an evening at Melody Club. Joe gave us insights for the amazing CMS products !!!<img src="×200.jpeg" alt="" width="300" he

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Photos courtesy of Partime audiophile: “One of the highlights of the room, aside from the sound, was all of those Brinkmann turntables lined up around the room. I was drawn toward the new Taurus (11,990 euros) for an obvious reason–is that speed control pod wireless? Yes, it is! The Taurus is a more robust variation of their direct-drive design, and uses a unique collar system for the arm board that allows any length of arm to be used, and even makes it easy to add a second arm” Also on display was the new Voltaire ISS integrated (price tbd)

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“The 508 must be considered a huge achievement for a company that was built upon the cost-no-object mindset. I understand $5K may make it hard for many audio snobs to take it seriously in the context of a very high end system—and that would be a mistake. Whether you build a world class system around the 508 through a series of upgrades, or you let go of preconceived notions and give the 508 a try in your current mega system, you may be surprised as well as tens of thousands of dollars richer.” – Greg Petan, Posi+ive Feedback, Issue 101,…

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Boulder Amplifiers May 21 at 11:22pm If a good system is a teleportation device, this one could take you to Columbia’s 30th Street Studio to hear Miles create Kind of Blue, or the University Refectory when The Who’s Live At Leeds was captured, or to Berlin to see Karajan conduct Mahler’s 9th. Any place could be brought into your listening space. Where would you take us? #boulder #boulderamp #boulderamplifiers #boulder1110 #boulder1160 #estelonspeakers #aphroditesmelody #aphroditesvision #boulder508 #timetravel #teleportation #highend #highendaudio #musicfirst #details #wherewouldyougo

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From J.Valin at the Absolute Sound “Alfred Vassilkov of Estelon debuted his €110k, four-way, five-driver Forza (ceramic midrange, 8″ aluminum-sandwich mid/woof, twin side-mounted 11” woofers, and a diamond tweeter in a gorgeous, sealed, cast-stone enclosure), powered by CH Precision electronics, sourced by a Kronos turntable with ZYX cart, and wired with Kubala Sosna cable. On Heifetz’s Sibelius Concerto LP (RCA) the Forza was quite spacious and beautiful sounding. The Estelon’s sealed cast-stone enclosure also made for a superior disappearing act and super-tight, fast, and extended bass. Despite a touch of ceramic dryness on fiddle, brass, and massed strings, instruments were…

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